cso network

Building Stronger CSO Network for Inclusive Governance

On September 21-22, 2023, USAID-CHANGE (United States Agency for International Development – Cities for Enhanced Governance and Engagement) organized a pivotal Workshop on CSO Network Building. This significant event, held at the Q City Park Hotel in General Santos, drew participation from a multitude of civil society organizations (CSOs) actively engaged with the City Development Council.

The workshop meticulously addressed the imperative question of why and how CSOs should unite to amplify their voices and enhance their collaborative impact as indispensable partners in the city council’s development initiatives. It underscored the pivotal role of CSOs in catalyzing progress and facilitating inclusive governance. Furthermore, it highlighted the Local Government Code’s explicit provisions emphasizing the concrete roles and substantial influence that citizens and CSOs must wield, underscoring the significance of establishing robust participatory platforms for informed and consultative citizen engagement.

During the workshop, participants were introduced to the groundbreaking “People’s Consultative and Advisory Council” ordinance, a visionary initiative spearheaded by City Councilor Froebel Kan M. Balleque. This pioneering legislation, unveiled to the eager attendees, has the potential to further enhance citizen involvement in the city’s decision-making processes. A key outcome of the workshop discussions was the consensus on the necessity of forming a technical working group to draft the ordinance’s implementing rules and regulations, thus ensuring its effective execution.

The KPS Foundation was invited to join the workshop, which it graciously accepted. Ricky Cabunyag, representing the Social Development and Management Information System (MIS) Unit, attended the event on its first day. Meanwhile, the foundation’s second-day participation was represented by Rodolfo Dewara, the corporate secretary and program director. Their presence underscored the foundation’s commitment to active engagement in the vital discourse surrounding CSO networks and their role in advancing the development agenda of General Santos.

  • Civil Society Organizations and Good Governance
    The Asian Development Bank (ADB) cited in its Governance Brief several good governance outcomes that have been documented when civil society organizations (CSOs) worked with the government for good governance.
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