
Always forward-looking and imbued with positivity for the impending, KPS Foundation always opens itself to the endless possibilities of the future, to better embody the fulfillment of its mission and vision while “Working with the Poor”.

Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD)

In 1995, HASIK (Harnessing Self-Initiative and Knowledge), a Manila-based NGO (non-government organization), trained several community women in caregiving of urban poor pre-school children while attending to their development needs. The result of the two-week training seminar was the opening of 5 community-based ECCD Centers in 3 depressed communities in General Santos City. Up to this day, these initiatives have been sustained through the cooperation of parents and the barangay local government units. More or less, five thousand (5,000) urban poor pre-school children have undergone pre-school formation under the KPS ECCD Program.

One of the first batches of the ECCD classes
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Working with the poor…

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