The Community Mortgage Program (CMP) is a financing scheme that enables organized residents of informal settlements to borrow funds from the government for land purchase and housing development. It is already considered to be the most innovative and responsive government housing program in the Philippines which KPSFI has accessed together with other members of the National Congress of CMP Originators in the Philippines (CMP Congress).

The Community Mortgage Program (CMP) is a socialized housing initiative of the Philippine Government, one of the UDHA prescribed modes of urban poor land acquisition, which KPS has accessed to help provide security of tenure to thousands of urban poor member-families in General Santos City.

By 2001, around 106,273 families had found secure tenure throughout the country through the CMP. But it was sometime in 1988, that the CMP was set up following a couple of years after the People Power Revolution (EDSA I). Through the CMP, low-income informal settler families find secure tenure by establishing community associations to buy land, set up infrastructure, and build houses. In 1992, the CMP was taken under the National Shelter Program (the NHMFC – National Housing Mortgage and Finance Corporation) by Republic Act Number 7279, the Urban Development and Housing Act. Then in 2004, Social Housing Finance Corporation (SHFC) was created through Executive Order Number 272 and the CMP alongside other housing initiatives was moved under its control.

CMP basically provides beneficiary individual families with loans to fund housing construction, namely 30,000 pesos for undeveloped land, 45,000 pesos for developed land, and 80,000 pesos for a house with a lot. The loans were given at 6% interest, usually on a 25-year repayment plan.

KPSFI made initial use of the CMP as a land acquisition mode as prescribed by the UDHA only in 2005, by originating Mendoza Alliance Village in Barangay Calumpang, Gen. Santos City, long after the CMP was established in 1988. But in the early years of the CMP during program inception, KPS was part of the network of NGOs and POs that worked with the government in the advocacy to provide informal settler families with the security of tenure, even before the passage of the Lina Law — RA 7279, for the protection of urban poor rights in 1992.

Since 2005, KPSFI has mobilized 6 CMP projects as shown in the following table, all of which are located in Barangay Calumpang in General Santos City.

Project Sites

ProjectBarangayPeriod AcquiredTakeout DateArea (sqm)# FamiliesLoan Proceeds
Mendoza AllianceCalumpang200507/17/200921,840144P8,026,000.00
SRS Amazing GraceCalumpang200905/29/201220,0001096,443,981.54
SRS Bright Morning StarCalumpang201106/30/201415,334886,097,760.97
Victoria VillageCalumpang201509/28/201920,0001215,703,000.00
Melcah VillageCalumpang201708/04/202110,000594,772,000.00
Melecia VillageCalumpang201708/04/202110,000564,727,500.00


Total Projects


No. of Barangays


Total No. of Families

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