
Jasonville Reestablished HOA

On April 21, 2024, the KPS Foundation Inc. (KPSFI) visited Jasonville in Purok Pagkakaisa, Barangay San Pablo, Tacurong City. The homeowners’ association (HOA) convened a meeting to strengthen the association in preparation for the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development’s (DHSUD) HOA registration process. The meeting aimed to address all issues and conflicts between members and officers and to conduct the re-election of officers. Gelsa Pocdol, KPSFI’s Education and Training, and Community Mortgage Program (CMP) unit head, and a council member of the National Anti-Poverty Commission – National Urban Poor Sectoral Council (NAPC-NUPSC), facilitated the meeting. She discussed the importance of the homeowners’ association securing registration with the DHSUD and motivated the association to collaborate with local government agencies for the recognition of the Jasonville community at both the barangay and city levels.

A homeowners’ association (HOA) is a governing body formed by residents of a residential community to oversee its shared spaces and amenities. In Jasonville, KPS Foundation will assist beneficiaries in establishing their own HOA, ensuring compliance with all DHSUD regulations. This support is crucial for the community’s long-term sustainability and recognition as a model of effective collaboration with local authorities in promoting community development.

Gelsa emphasized the importance of a well-structured homeowners’ association as a cornerstone for a thriving community. To ensure the HOA’s success, it must be organized, planned, and sustainable. This requires active and responsible leadership, regular meetings, consistent dues collection, and strict adherence to established rules and regulations. By following these guidelines, the HOA can effectively contribute to the community’s growth and development.

A HOA is essential for a community’s well-being, much like electricity is for a home. Without a HOA, a community lacks the necessary leadership and organization to drive positive change. This can significantly impact the quality of life for residents, hindering their ability to experience a more convenient and innovative environment. Establishing a strong HOA is a crucial step towards improving the Jasonville community.

Marife Enaya, a project development staff member from the Tacurong branch office, outlined the steps involved in obtaining land titles for Jasonville residents. As the community prepares for the second phase of the LANDS program, Enaya emphasized the crucial role of a well-established homeowners’ association in facilitating the titling process.

The newly elected officers of homeowners’ associations are instrumental in maintaining and improving the quality of life within their communities. Central to these associations are the boards of directors, composed of dedicated individuals who serve in various roles. The Jasonville community association’s board officers play a fundamental role in the community’s development and success. From the president’s leadership to the vice president’s support, the secretary’s meticulous record-keeping, and the treasurer’s financial acumen, these officers work together to create a harmonious and well-managed community that residents can be proud to call home. Their dedication and commitment are the driving forces behind the prosperity and vitality of community associations.

Jasonville Homeowners’ Association
Jasonville HOA newly elected officers

The newly elected officers and board members of the Jasonville Homeowners’ Association are as follows: President Horchids A. Braquez, Vice President Jesser D. Rivera, Sr., Secretary Guiaria P. Cablo, Treasurer Romina A. Nuesca, and Auditor Bhing R. Madinding. The board of directors includes Election Committee, Jesser Rivera, Jr.; Grievance Committee, Sammy Maulana; Audit Committee, Bhing R. Manding; DRRM Committee, Ramon Nuesca; and Gender & Development (GAD) Committee, Abdul P. Kadon.

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