zamora village

KPSFI Visited Zamora Village

The KPS Foundation Inc. (KPSFI) visited Zamora Village, in Barangay Dajay, Surallah, South Cotabato, on February 17, 2024. The homeowners’ association (HOA) called a meeting to discuss streamlining organizational procedures and easing the Department of Human Settlement and Urban Development’s (DSHUD) HOA registration process. Distinguished guests in attendance included Rodolfo Dewara, the corporate secretary, Gelsa Pocdol, the head of the CMP unit, Ricky Cabunyag, who is in charge of the Social Development and Management Information System unit (SD-MIS), and the titling staff.

Mr. Dewara provided a brief overview of KPSFI’s background and current programs. Jhonard Rojas, a specialist in titling, provided essential information by clarifying the nuances of titling procedures and required documentation. He also recommended to check the KPSFI website to gain greater insight into the program.

Gelsa Pocdol underlined the significance of official government registration and the formation of a homeowners association within residential precincts. She went into great depth about how to register with the DHSUD and stressed the value of doing so in order to facilitate effective community development, especially when collaborating with local government units (LGUs). Citing instances from accomplished HOA projects, she also urged the residents of Zamora Village to collaborate closely with their officers and to persist in their undertakings.

zamora village
Zamora Village HOA with KPSFI staff

In short, KPSFI addressed the concerns raised by HOA members, providing unwavering support and guidance as required. This reveals KPSFI’s steadfast dedication to offering genuine assistance to individuals facing financial hardships and reveals a strong commitment to collaborating with urban underprivileged neighborhoods to advance comprehensive community development.

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